The cost for each participant is $3,800 to cover travel, lodging, building materials and numerous other necessities to help this Kenyan community. Please make a tax-deductible donation to Oakwood University, Office of Spiritual Life Mission on behalf of Chevonne McCarthy.
Oakwood's address is: 7000 Adventist Blvd NW Huntsville, AL 35896
Oakwood University-Mission Trip to Kenya
One of the greatest privileges for faculty, staff and students is that of participating in mission service. At Oakwood University, we believe that sharing your gifts and talents, especially in the mission field is rewarding and an honor. In June 2014 one of Oakwood University Missions initiatives is in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya. This is a once in a lifetime experience. Oakwood University’s Office of Spiritual Life gladly responds to the need to spread the gospel to the world and provides an opportunity for service to faculty, staff, and students.
Chevonne McCarthy is a student at Oakwood, and is asking for donations, (which are Tax-Deductable), to help with the cost of this wonderful opportunity. For more information please contact Devon McCarthy at 321-696-3137. Or you may also contact Oakwood University, Office of Spiritual Life, Ronald K. Pollard, Senior Associate Chaplain, International Missions Director.
This initiative will immerse students in work: painting, delivering food baskets, peer to peer counseling, clothing distribution, health lectures, and participation in street ministries and much more. Each young person is encouraged to bring extra clothing that they will leave in Kenya for those in need. As a part of the total experience, we are hoping to raise enough money for a three-day safari that will serve as cultural enrichment.
JUNE 10 - JULY 2, 2014